Softfixx Mobile solution Sp Flash Tool Latest Version Download

Sp Flash Tool Latest Version Download

Sp Flash Tool Latest Version Download

If you are going to flash your mediateck model or mtk model then you need sp flash tool latest version. This is known as smartphone flash tool or we can say that sp flash tool full form is smartphone flash tool. It works with only mtk model like vivo y12 or y15 etc. In this post we give you sp flash tool all latest and old version. You can download it as per your requirement.

Lets get more deep information about sp flash tool. This is a windows console application for pc or laptop. You can flash any mtk or mediateck model using sp flash tool but for this you need da and auth file. Here we give you sp flash tool with authentication file. Even you can use this tool for you frp file. 

What we will discuss in this post?

In this post we discuss all these point well. If you have any query you can ask in comments or can contact us on whatsapp +918755084148 or click here. If you need frp file of any model just click here. 

  • About sp flash tool.
  • Sp flash tool features.
  • How to install sp flash tool.
  • Sp flash old version.
  • Sp flash tool v5.2112 Download.
  • How do i use latest version of sp flash tool?
  • Sp flash tool for vivo model like y12 or y15.
  • Some important questions about sp flash tool.

About sp flash tool

Sp flash tool full form is smartphone flash tool. This is specially used to flash any mtk model. If your model gives any error like hang on logo, stuck on logo, rebooting again and again, etc. All these issue can solved by sp flash tool after success flashing. If you wants to flash your model using sp flash tool you need well informations about full process.

Sp flash tool features

If you are going to use or using sp flash tool then you need to also know its features. In this paragraph we tell you all its features one by one. If you really like then subscribe our website for latest post views.

Flash stock-rom or firmware

Yes, by sp flash tool or smartphone flash tool you can flash stock – rom or firmware to any mtk model for this you need well information about model and its firmware or flash file. If you wants to flash any mtk model just load firmware to this tool and bypass auth just click on start. Your flashing will start instantly after success flash your issue will solved.

Flash reconvery or fastboot stock-rom

Yes, you can flash recovery or fastboot stock-rom or any type of stock rom in your mtk model using sp flash tool. At all you need to know its full informtaion and process. If you don’t know then use first method and solve issue as you found in your model.

Flash frp file

If you wants to unlock your mtk model using frp file then you need to donwload sp flash tool. sp flash tool allow you to flash frp file in mtk model. After frp file flash your model frp and screen lock remove successfully. Remember for this process you need frp file and its formate and frp mi account address. 

Memory or ram test

Sp flash tool allow you to check or test memory or ram test. Even you can check nand information using sp flash tool. 

Sp flash tool developer’s

sp flash tool is deveoped by mediateck or mtk inc team. So this tool work with only mtk model. Now a days mtk or mediateck security updated in many model like vivo or oppo. If you have auth file or da file you can unlock or frp reset using this tool.

How to install sp flash tool

As we told you that sp flash tool is a windows console application or .exe file. if you wants to know How to install sp flash tool? Then we can say that for this work just download sp flash tool and put it on your desktop and open folder just click on its .exe file. It will start automatically. After open just do your work. Sp flash tool works without installation just run its .exe file it start working well. 

how to run sp flash tool

Sp flash old version

In this paragraph or post we give you all sp flash tool old version one by one as you wants you can download in one click. No need to get wait for any ads or other work just click and download your sp flash old verison. Some time you think why we need sp flash tool old verison. The answer is simple old verison work without da or auth file but latest not. 

All sp flash tool verison are here. Lets see all one by one here.

Sp flash tool v5.2112 Download

If you are going to unlock latest securiy type mtk or mediateck model then you need to download sp flash tool v5.2112. It allow you to formate vivo y12 or y15. But sometime due to your mistake you model may be dead so use at on your own risk. Here we provide you one click download link. Just click and download your sp flash tool v5.2112. 

  • Sp flash tool v5.2112 download >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DOWNLOAD 

How do i use latest version of sp flash tool?

Yes, how do i use latest version of sp flash tool is a best quesiton in your mind. Some time you wants to flash your mtk model but get error like use sp flash tool latest verison and flashing get stuck. So for this first you need to download sp flash tool lates verison from below link. After it just follow same step as you follow in your old verison your flashing will success definitly.

  • Sp flash tool lates verison download >>>>>>>>>>>>> DOWNLOAD

Sp flash tool for vivo model like y12 or y15

How to unlock vivo y12 or y15 using frp file in sp flash tool. If you are really wants to unlock your y12 or y15 using frp file via test point follow simple step your model will get instant unlock. Don’t use more then 2 time if you try more then it your model get dead 100% so be careful. 

Lets see all step one by one here. Be careful if you need one click service by vivo auth server just contact us on whatsapp +918755084148 or click here. We also do all work with remote service just contact once for any work on given details.


If you wants to unlock vivo y12 or y15 then you need to know what you need. for this you need frp file, test point, frp and formate address, one pc or laptop, data cable, and well knowlegde to perform this work well. Lets see all one by one that you need. 

  • Need y12 or y15 frp file.
  • Sp flash tool v5.2112.
  • Mct auth bypass tool.
  • Original Data cable.
  • Y12 or y15 clk test point.

Process to unlock y12 or y15 using sp flash tool

For this work you need to follow well all these step one by one. First ready its tested frp file , sp flash tool v5.2112 and original data cable also open your model found its test points well. don’t try to jumper it other wise it will dead definitely. Now follow these simple step well. 

  1. Now make a new folder with name y12 or y15 frp file on desktop on your pc or laptop.
  2. Just paste here your mct auth bypass tool, frp file and sp flash tool v5.2112.
  3. Now open your mct auth bypass tool and click bypass auth. 
  4. Now just take your model and short clk to ground using fork after auth done remove it.
  5. Now open sp flash tool and load frp file just put manual address and click on start. 
  6. After sometime is will success if not then remove your model and do it on. 
  7. Now try same process without betry after auth done put betry then do agian if error.
  8. Don’t try again and again after 2nd try don’t try this method it will dead. 

So we recommend you to try after 2nd done it on and use tfm tool pro for one click all done. You will safe in tfm tool. if you need this service in remote service then just click here.

Sp Flash Tool Latest Version Download

Some important quesiton abut sp flash tool

How do I use the latest version of SP Flash Tool?

Yes, how do i use latest version of sp flash tool is a best quesiton in your mind. Some time you wants to flash your mtk model but get error like use sp flash tool latest verison and flashing get stuck. So for this first you need to download sp flash tool lates verison from above link. After it just follow same step as you follow in your old verison your flashing will success definitly.

How do I download SP Flash tools?

yes for this you need to download it from official website and extract it on desktop. Jus open its forlder click on .exe file it will start working well.

Is SP Flash tool only MediaTek?

Yes, sp flash tool is made for only mtk model it can only flash mtk or mediateck cpu model. Fore more informtaion just visit and learn how to use it for mtk model.

What is smart phone flash tool?

smartphone flash tool is a full form of sp flsh tool. Which is used to flash mtk or mediateck model. For more information just visit here.

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